(2018, February) | Useful to Parent Centers in building their own understanding of how to use early childhood data, as well as for building such capacity in stakeholders.

Data play a role in virtually every aspect of the administration of IDEA Part C and Part B 619 programs (early intervention and preschool programs, respectively). State lead agency staff partner with stakeholders for a variety of purposes, including collaborating on program improvement initiatives and preparing annual reports on program implementation. This toolkit from the DaSy Center orients stakeholders to IDEA data and other data-related topics to help them meaningfully participate in conversations about important programmatic issues and decisions.

The toolkit is a resource for IDEA Part C and Part B 619 stakeholders, such as representations on the State Interagency Coordinating Council (SICC) and the State Advisory Panel (SAP), who provide input on issues and decisions that relate to or affect programs that serve young children with development delays and disabilities and their families. Stakeholders can use this toolkit independently, or Part C/Part B 619 staff can work through the toolkit with stakeholders in a facilitated manner.

What is in the Toolkit?

The toolkit is divided into the following sections, each accessible separately:

Each of the above sections contains user-friendly learning activities including infographics, videos, and linked resources. Learning in each section is structured under 5 headings:

  • What is this topic about?
  • What do I need to know?
  • How do I build my knowledge?
  • How do I apply it to my state?
  • What are some related resources?

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