Buzz from the Hub

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The CPIR shares news and resources with the Parent Center network and others via our e-newsletter the Buzz from the Hub.

Each Buzz spotlights an issue of importance to Parent Centers, identifies resources on the network’s priority topics, and includes resources Parent Centers can share with the families they serve.

Buzz from the Hub Archives

(Archive is listed reverse chronologically)

The Buzz is Back! We took a break, solicited your feedback, and we’re thrilled to announce some exciting changes to the Buzz from the Hub! Once you sign up you can expect to find the monthly Buzz in your inbox! We’re thrilled to introduce a fresh new look with informative articles, upcoming events, and resources designed with you in mind. Feel free to share far and wide with those who you feel will benefit from the information found in the Buzz!

Buzz | Updates from the Department of Education, Employment Checklist for Students with Disabilities, and a Simplified Online SSI Application

Buzz | Updates from the Department of Education, Employment Checklist for Students with Disabilities, and a Simplified Online SSI Application

Welcome to the January edition of The Buzz from the Hub! With so much happening in the world right now, we hope the start of your year has been a positive one. This month’s highlights include important updates from the U.S. Department of Education (ED), the webinar recording on the recently issued guidance, Using Functional Behavioral Assessments to Create Supportive Learning Environments, and so much more!

Buzz | Self-Assessment to Better Support Military-Connected Children with Disabilities, ASL Version of Plaza Sésamo, Guidance On Using Functional Behavioral Assessments in Schools, and Resources to Prepare for Holiday Travel

Buzz | Self-Assessment to Better Support Military-Connected Children with Disabilities, ASL Version of Plaza Sésamo, Guidance On Using Functional Behavioral Assessments in Schools, and Resources to Prepare for Holiday Travel

Welcome to December’s edition of the Buzz from the Hub! This month’s highlights include a self-assessment for states to better support military-connected children with disabilities, a new ASL version of Plaza Sésamo for young children, and guidance on using functional behavioral assessments in schools.

Buzz |Early Childhood Social-Emotional Development, AI in K-12 education, Disability Transition Support, and Family Engagement

Buzz |Early Childhood Social-Emotional Development, AI in K-12 education, Disability Transition Support, and Family Engagement

Welcome to November’s edition of the Buzz from the Hub! As the year winds down and families prepare for the holiday season, staying informed about the latest in education and effective ways to support learning remains as important as ever. This month we bring you resources on early childhood social-emotional development, AI in K-12 education, disability transition support, family engagement, and much more!

Buzz | Resources to Support with Mental Health and Bullying

Buzz | Resources to Support with Mental Health and Bullying

September feels like a fresh start, doesn’t it? The kids are back in school and parents are back to working more “normal” hours at work. Now that the kids are back in school, though, there are some topics that may come up such as bullying and mental health.

Buzz | Transitioning Back to School

Buzz | Transitioning Back to School

August…the month when families are enjoying the last few weeks of summer break, but it is also the month when families and students are starting to prepare for the upcoming school year. What new adventures and experiences will this new school year bring?

Buzz | We Asked and You Answered

Buzz | We Asked and You Answered

Earlier this year we conducted a brief 3-question survey with Parent Center subscribers to reassess their needs. Respondents provided us with useful feedback and we are excited to share the results below!