Center for Parent Information and Resources

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 for Parent Centers.

About CPIR

Network of Parent Centers serving families of children with disabilities.

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The Center for Parent Information & Resources (CPIR) is the central hub of valuable information and products specifically designed for the network of Parent Centers serving families of children with disabilities.

In September 2024, several Region B states and Parent Centers (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia) experienced catastrophic damage from Hurricane Helene. Resources provided here include state and local organizations to which donations may be made to support recovery efforts. Check back often for updates!

Thanks to Region B (RPTAC Region B) for pulling together this list of resources.

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EPU’s Resources for Parents


Exceptional Parents Unlimited (EPU) is a Parent Training and Information Center in California. EPU’s mission is to guide and strengthen families and children with unique needs through early intervention and supportive services that cultivate hope and resilience. EPU serves families with children from birth to 26 years of age in the following counties: Merced, Mariposa, Madera, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Tulare, Kings, Kern, Inyo, Mono, and Fresno.

EPU provides workshops and resources, IEP and 504 clinics to parents or caregivers of children with disabilities or challenges. EPU has created resources for parents, in English and Spanish, on topics such as “Exploring Section 504b Accommodations in Educational Settings and Beyond”, “A Guide to IEPs and the Special Education Process”, “Learning about the IFSP for Families with Children ages birth to three”, and many more. Check them out!

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Recent Events & News

person taking notes while watching a webinar on a laptop

Recent Webinars

Webinar | Return to School after Traumatic Brain Injury

Description:  This webinar will describe traumatic brain injury in children, including the prevalence , effects of the injury in children, models of care for children and return to school for children following the injury. Presenter:Juliet Haarbauer-KrupaSenior Health...

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Recent Articles

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Center for Parent Information and Resources

Center for Parent Information and Resources

The Center for Parent Information and Resources is your source for information and resources to support families of children who have disabilities!

#MilestoneMonday… Is your child 18-months-old? Now is a great time to teach them the names for body parts.You can point them out by saying things like, “Here’s your nose, here’s my nose” while pointing to their nose and your own.For extra fun, try singing the classic “Head, Shoulders, Knees, andToes” with your little one!For more ways to support your child’s development, visit and download the CDC’s FREE Milestones Tracker App.#ActEarly #BeInformed #MilestonesMatter #DevelopmentalMilestones #SupportingFamilies ... See MoreSee Less
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A Self-Advocate's Guide to #VocationalRehabilitation (VR)This guide outlines services that help #PeopleWithDisabilities get a #job. Both plain language and easy read versions are available. ... See MoreSee Less
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The Benefits of #work-Besides receiving a #Paycheck, there are many benefits to working for individuals with #disabilities. This brief tip sheet outlines those ... See MoreSee Less
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