(2017) | Useful to Parent Centers, other service providers, and families who have behavioral concerns about a defiant child

When parents turn to the Internet looking for answers about their child’s behavior problems, one phrase tends to jump out: oppositional defiant disorder or ODD. “The words ‘oppositional’ and ‘defiant’ show up in parents’ vocabulary fairly frequently,” says Dr. David Anderson, director of the ADHD and Behavior Disorders Center at the Child Mind Institute. “It’s one of the more aptly named diagnoses that exists.”

Whether your child has oppositional defiant disorder (or ODD) or not, learning about the disorder can be helpful. That’s because the behavior management strategies used in treatment are evidence-based techniques that all parents will benefit from knowing. This article from the Child Mind Institute explains what ODD is, how to distinguish it from typical challenging behavior, and why ODD can be so damaging to the parent-child relationship.

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