“Today you are YOU,
that is TRUER than true.
There is NO ONE alive
who is YOUER than YOU!.”

– Dr. Seuss


Greetings to you!

The resources featured in this issue of the Buzz will hopefully enrich your Center’s work and collaboration with the young people with disabilities in your region. Youth have a lot to say and share that will benefit them directly and equip them to actively participate in decision making about their own lives and futures as well as the issues shaping their surrounding communities.

Keep up the great work!

The CPIR Team


Resources to Share with Youth

Advocating for Myself
Students with disabilities are learning to advocate for themselves. But advocating for one’s self takes practice. The youth you work with may find it instructive to hear tips from other students with disabilities who have learned to advocate for themselves in high school, at work, and at college. Connect them with PACER’s collection of short videos so they can hear what their peers have to say.

My IEP Owner’s Manual for Transition-Age Students
The “Advocating for Myself” page (just mentioned) also includes a wide range of written materials for youth, such as the IEP Owner’s Manual. Youth can use the manual to learn about the different parts of their IEP that will help them succeed in their plans for life after high school.

A Family Toolkit: Pediatric to Adult Health Care Transition | Webinar
Here’s another 1-hour webinar, this one discussing Got Transition’s Family Toolkit, which was developed for families to use during their young person’s transition from pediatric to adult health care.


Encouraging Youth Involvement

Here are several resources that can help Parent Centers, schools, and other community organizations connect with youth who have disabilities and involve them in planning and decision-making committees and councils.

How to Improve Engagement Efforts
When Child Trends reviewed the literature, four basic themes emerged as ways to improve on youth program recruitment, retention, and engagement. This article discusses their findings.

Youth Advisory Councils | Webinar
This 1-hour webinar is all about integrating authentic youth voice in your organization. Does your organization want to start a youth council or strengthen the way youth voice is utilized in your institution? Check out the webinar! From the National Youth Leadership Council.


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Center for Parent Information and Resources
c/o SPAN, Inc.
35 Halsey St., Fourth Floor
Newark, NJ 07102

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