“Knowledge is true wealth, wisdom is true riches.

— Matshona Dhliwayo

Greetings to you!

This first issue of the Feburary 2022 Buzz connects you with the recent flurry of webinars that CPIR and others have held, each of which enriches the field with much-needed tools to inform and support families of children with disabilities, the children and youth themselves, and the multiple systems concerned with improving their outcomes educationally and in life. Enjoy!

Our best to you and yours,
The CPIR Team


Webinars for Parent Centers and Beyond

Sharing Info about State Assessments with Families
(Also available in Spanish) Riches, indeed, are shared in this Febrary 11th CPIR webinar, which focuses on NCEO’s new (and quite amazing!) resource, the Participation Communications Toolkit. You’ll love the toolkit; it’s designed for stakeholders of all stripes to use in discussing and making decisions about how children with disabilities will participate in state assessments. The webinar highlights the role that Parent Centers in particular can play in supporting the family’s role as one of the primary decision makers about their child’s participation.

Return to School | Child Find and Early Intervention Services
(Also available in Spanish) This February 2nd webinar features presenters from OSEP as they elaborate on two of OSEP’s recent Return to School Roadmaps, both focused on Part C: (1) Child Find, Referral, and Eligibility; and (2) Provision of Early Intervention Services. Both roadmaps are also available in Spanish, as is this webinar.

Introduction to the Vocational Rehabilitation Program
(Also available in Spanish) Want to learn more about the services available from the vocational rehabilitation system for people with disabilities? Check out this January 24th webinar from the RAISE Center. It covers eligibility, developing the Individualized Plan for Employment, available services, and financial factors to consider. Links to the captioned English and Spanish versions are given at the bottom of the page linked above.

Other Resources to Enjoy

Honoring Black History Month: Unsung Heroes of the Disability Rights Movement
The month of February is dedicated to honoring the long history of Black Americans and their many contributions to society. In this article, NCLD (National Center for Learning Disabilities) highlights the stories of Black heroes whose vision, commitment, and activism helped advance progress for people with disabilities.

Plain Language Made It Easy
(Also available in Spanish) | The RAISE Center and PEATC (Virginia’s PTI) collaborated to develop this resource guide and video in English and Spanish to assist people in making their documents accessible to everyone.

The Importance of Using Plain Language explains how plain language makes information easier for people to read and to understand. (In Spanish)

Using Plain Language video explains how using plain language makes it easier for people to understand. (Video in Spanish)


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Center for Parent Information and Resources
c/o SPAN, Inc.
35 Halsey St., Fourth Floor
Newark, NJ 07102

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Publication of this eNewsletter is made possible through Cooperative Agreement H328R180005 between OSEP and the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN). The contents do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government or by the Center for Parent Information and Resources.