“You can’t pour from an empty cup, so keying in on what fills your cup is extremely important. It doesn’t need to be expensive or time consuming to give you a big boost.

Kyla H.

Here we are, late in the summer and hopefully you’ve been grabbing opportunities to enjoy yourself. It’s hard to run-run-run all the time, yet surprisingly hard not to.

Consider this Buzz as a messenger enticing you to pursue whatever you find fun, relaxing, exciting, or restorative. It’s not selfish to carve out moments to take care of yourself. And there are so many creative ways to do so!

Our best to you all,

The CPIR Team | Debra, Debi, Lisa, Jessica, and Myriam


Parent Centers Take It to Town

It was great to see so many of you at the July OSEP Leadership Conference. Thanks to all who attended sessions led by Parent Center staff. Centers spoke up resoundingly for the parents and families they serve, shared their experience and insight in mini-video snippets for CPIR to use in developing the eLearning Hub, and offered on-point suggestions to OSEP on several of its strategic initiatives. Way to deliver!

Seeing to Our Own Well-Being:
May We Count the Ways?

7 Self-Care Tips for Nonprofit Professionals
Are you any good at self-care? Bet not. Yet when we run-run-run all the time, we run the risk of burning out, and that is not good for us, our clients, our families, our organizations, or the field. Maybe we should take better care of ourselves?

The Types Of Self-Care You Should Be Practicing
Self-care isn’t all about bubble baths and coffee dates, even though those are important, too. In order to really feel your best, you need a comprehensive overview of all the different facets of self-care. This article breaks those facets down.

30 Ways To Treat Yourself No Matter What
Often, it’s the little pleasures that get us through the everyday grind.

This Is What Self-Care Looks Like for Parents of Kids With Disabilities
As parents, most of us tend to put our children and family first, leaving little time and effort to invest in us. Yet, if we do not take care of us, who will? We are all unique, and self-care looks different for each one of us. Here’s how it looks for many parents. How does it look for you?

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The CPIR hopes that you’ve found useful and relevant resources listed in this month’s Buzz from the Hub. Please feel free to write to the editor, Lisa Küpper, at lkupper@fhi360.org to suggest the types of resources you’d like to see in the future. CPIR is listening! Your input is extremely valuable to helping us to craft newsletters that support your work with families.

Debra, Debi, Myriam, Jessica, and Lisa
The CPIR Team


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Center for Parent Information and Resources
c/o SPAN, Inc.
35 Halsey St., Fourth Floor
Newark, NJ 07102

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Publication of this eNewsletter is made possible through Cooperative Agreement H328R130014 between OSEP and the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN). The contents do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government or by the Center for Parent Information and Resources.