(2017) | Useful to Parent Centers for building staff understanding of what intensive intervention involves and for sharing this basic information with the families they serve.

The National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) is funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to build capacity of state and local education agencies, universities, practitioners, and other stakeholders to support implementation of intensive intervention in reading, mathematics, and behavior for students with severe and persistent learning and/or behavioral needs. NCII offers a series of family-friendly short overviews and explanations of intensive intervention that Parent Centers may wish to share with parents who have a student with disabilities involved in an intensive intervention program at school. These materials include:

Intensive Intervention: An Overview for Parents and Families
2 pages, answering the Who, What, When, Where, and How of intensive intervention

Intensive Intervention: Questions Parents and Families can Ask
1 page, listing key questions that families can ask to understand how their child’s progress will be monitored, what kind of information a parent might share with the school, and what the intervention plan actually looks like, including how they can help at home.

How Can You Support Intensive Intervention? Tips for Families
1 page, three basics that families should know about supporting their child’s intensive intervention.

Online Module: Introduction to Intensive Intervention
While not necessarily developed for families, this self-paced module is designed to increase users’ knowledge of intensive intervention and data-based individualization (DBI). It’s self-paced and interactive, and takes about 30-40 minutes to complete.