Mom gives her son a hug in the kitchen.Links updated, March 2017

The CPIR is pleased to connect you with sources of information for helping your child with his or her behavior at home.

Having a child with challenging behavior can affect the entire family, and family members often find the need for more information and guidance in this difficult area. The resources listed below are intended to connect families with resources and support.  The list isn’t intended to be exhaustive of the behavior resources available, but it will certainly get you started and lead you to yet more information and resources.


Using Positive Methods for Change at Home

How might you address your child’s challenging behavior?
You’ll find this reader-friendly site is well organized. It has facts about all aspects involved in working with children who have challenging behavior. Links to information on assessment and special education are provided. (English) (Spanish)

Yet more on teaching children to manage their own behavior.
What Works briefs from the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning summarize effective practices for supporting children’s social-emotional development and preventing challenging behaviors. This 4-pager describes practical strategies for helping children learn to manage their own behavior and provides references to more information.

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Spanish |

Alternatives to spanking.
Based on research, experts offer productive and concrete alternatives to spanking that parents can implement after little kids have misbehaved.

Reinforcing small changes in behavior.
Written by a psychologist who works extensively with children and teens with AD/HD and explosive and defiant behaviors, this article talks about how children and adolescents learn, about misbehavior, and small steps that parents can use to help their child toward better behavior.

Get behavior in shape at home.
How do you create a Positive Behavioral Support system in your home? This Web site gives easy-to-implement suggestions. Learn the reasoning behind different techniques and how to use them to achieve your behavior goals. Specific examples include: eating dinner, asking for things while grocery shopping, and budgeting to teach children the value of money.

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Your parent-friendly guide to functional assessment and support.
This 21-page guide describes what a functional assessment is, and what it can do to help your child. You can use this information to help your child at home, and also work with school staff to put a plan into place at school.

Top 7 behavior management tips.
Many behaviors can be minimized by controlling your response to them. With these tips, you can decrease behavior problems using redirection. The goal of redirection is to teach the student to monitor and correct his own behavior.

Managing bad behavior at home.
This article takes a look at the question of “why kids are horrors at home.”

What is a functional behavioral assessment? Overview for parents.
A 3-page brief for parents on functional behavioral assessment.

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Spanish |

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Improving Family Life

How to get help for your child.
Having trouble getting what your child needs? This reader-friendly site offers communication tips to use when seeking help. You’ll learn techniques for keeping things in perspective, focusing on the problem at hand, and what info you should be prepared to provide when you are asking for help. Plus, you can print out a handy checklist to help keep track of the information you gather.

How to get help for yourself.
The link below will lead you to a group of parents who are raising challenging children. They invite you in and offer their site as a “soft place to land for the battle-weary parent.”

Fact sheets! Get your fact sheets here!
This site is a fact sheet treasure chest. You’ll find information on an wide range of topics such as anxiety disorders, bullying, ADHD, and autism.

Mental health fact sheets.
This web site has dozens of fact sheets on various issues, including ADHD, depression, conduct disorders, oppositional defiance disorder, and violent behavior. These up-to-date, well-written pubs are available in English, español, Deutsch, Français, Polish, and Icelandic.

About temperament and its effect on behavior.
Let Great Schools introduce you to nine temperament traits: activity level, sensitivity, regularity, approach/withdrawal, adaptability, mood, intensity, persistence, and distractibility. Find out to pinpoint your child’s traits and how they can affect behavior.

Working with your child’s temperament.
Get ideas on helping children in ways that match their natural tendencies. This site offers suggestions for managing extreme behaviors. Click on the link to the Parent to Parent message board to read tips from other parents.

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