(2018) | Useful for Parent Centers in understanding what a “medical home” is and for sharing family-friendly tools and resources with families.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Center for Medical Home Implementation, a medical home is the kind of primary health care we all want and deserve. A medical home is not a place—it is the way care is provided to children/youth and their families. At the core of a medical home is a knowledgeable, compassionate health care provider and care team chosen by a patient and their family to take care of a child/youth’s health needs.

The National Center for Medical Home Implementation is an excellent source of information about the medical home–what it is, how practictioners can work with families to create a medical home for a child or youth with disabilities affecting health, and much more. There are many 1-page or 2-page fact sheets and infographics that Parent Centers can share with the families they serve. For example:

Your Child’s “Medical Home”: What You Need to Know

Consumer Education: Patient-Centered Medical Home (Also available in Spanish)

Building Your Care Notebook | A care notebook is used to assist families and caregivers maintain a record of their child’s care, services, providers, and notes. This resource page connects you with more than 2 dozen different tracking sheets for assembling and keeping track of multiple aspects of a child’s health (from school-related matters such as IEPs to guides for babysitters). The various parts are downloadable (as ZIP files).

Transition to Adult Care | Use the drop-down menu on the page to see the many resources for youth and parents on the transition from pediatric to adult health care.

National and State Initiatives | Use the interactive map to investigate what’s going on in your state regarding medical home initiatives, partnerships, and state contacts

These are just a few of the resources you can find at the National Center for Medical Home Implementation. The resources aren’t necessarily developed by the National Center; instead, they’ve been assembled by the National Center as a marvelous resource collection on this important topic.

National Center for Medical Home Implementation

The National Center operates through a cooperative agreement between the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

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