“There’s more treasure in books
than in all the pirates’ loot on Treasure Island.”

— Walt Disney


It’s that time of year again for school buses and carpools and bookbags. So, this Buzz focuses on resources that Parent Centers and others can use in their work with families and educators as the new school year gets underway.

Good luck to all, may it be a great year ahead.
The CPIR Team


Check Out These Other Back-to-School Newsletters

Perhaps you’ve already received many newsletters with this theme? Here are a few worth exploring.

Tips for a Successful Back-to-School Transition
From the Child Mind Institute, here’s a series of articles that many parents will appreciate, including titles such as Back to School Dos and Don’ts; School Success Kit for Kids With Executive Functioning Issues; Talking to Kids About Back-to-School Worries; and How to Help Your Child Get Motivated in School. All are also available in Spanish.

Ansiedad por el regreso a clases
Also from the Child Mind Institute, this series of articles focuses on anxiety about returning to school. Obviously, all articles are in Spanish, and include tips on helping children with learning difficulties return to school, tips for helping children with selective mutism; mornings without stress, and advice on starting high school with the right foot forward. And yes, all articles are also available in English.


Seeing to the Basics: Info for All

Bullying and Youth with Disabilities and Special Health Needs
Children with disabilities are at an increased risk of being bullied. Any number of factors—physical vulnerability, social skill challenges, or intolerant environments—may increase the risk. Bullying can include making fun of kids because of their allergies or exposing them to the things they are allergic to. What to do? Check out this article from StopBullying.gov, and its accompanying tipsheet in PDF.

Back-to-School Checklists from Bookshare
Bookshare is a fantastic resource for students with learning differences who need reading support. Are you a parent that needs to find your child’s schoolbooks in alternative formats? Follow these steps to ensure a smooth back-to-school experience. (Bookshare also offers an attractive poster that Parent Centers, schools, and community organizations can use to tell families about the books available and the benefits to all of registering for Bookshare’s services.)

Small Steps for Big Vision: An Eye Health Info Tool Kit for Parents and Caregivers
The National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness partnered with the National Head Start Association to create this online resource to provide parents and caregivers with the information, suggested actions, and assistance they need to be empowered partners in their children’s vision and eye health, and to care for their own vision and eye health. Also check out Parents Need to Know, which includes multiple articles in English and in Spanish to help parents and caregivers address children’s vision needs (e.g., 10 take home messages; Signs of vision problems in children; Vision and classroom behaviors; and 10 steps from vision screening to eye exam).


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Center for Parent Information and Resources
c/o SPAN, Inc.
35 Halsey St., Fourth Floor
Newark, NJ 07102

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