Updated August 2024

Word version of this overview

The Parent Center Program Measures Survey process is ready for you to begin surveying parents served by your Parent Center during the 2023-24 program year. Below are the details for this year. You can submit your results at any time, but the deadline for submission is Wednesday, December 18, 2024.

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The Program Measures Survey Instrument
We will conduct this user survey using the same questions as last year. The data you submit will be used as part of an overall assessment of the progress that the Parent Center Program has made toward the long-term measures established by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). These data are aggregated across all of the Parent Centers reporting. They will not be used or examined on the individual parent center level.

  • The survey has seven (7) questions.
  • Questions were developed in collaboration with the Study Group and the Center for Project Performance at Westat. These are evaluation firms that have been contracted by OSEP to provide technical assistance in measuring program performance.
  • Additional input was solicited from the Rehabilitative Services Administration (RSA).
  • Questions have been reviewed by our colleagues—PTIs, CPRCs, and PTACs—who provided great feedback to make sure that they are not only valid and reliable but also will be easy for parents to understand and answer.
  • The  (7) questions have responses based on a 4-point Likert scale of Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.
  • The survey is available in English, Spanish and Korean.

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Preparing to Conduct Your Center’s Surveys

Preparing to Conduct Your Center’s Surveys:  Three (3) Lists of Contacts are needed to complete Part 2 Data Collection, referred to as the Program Measures Survey, where your Center will ask a specific number of parents and youth/young adults with disabilities about their satisfaction with the information or services they received from your Center in the last six (6) months of the program year.

Parent Centers need to submit three (3) lists to conduct the surveys:

(a) one list with the unidentified contacts of the families of children under transition age that have been served by the center during the last six months of the program year. (FC)

(b) one list with the unidentified contacts of the families of transition-age youth and older that have been served by the center during the last six months of the program year. (FT)

(c) one list with the unidentified contacts of youth who are of transition age and older that have been served by the center during the last six months of the program year. (Y)

Transition Age = as defined by your state.

Each list must have a minimum of two (2) unidentified contacts.

Once you have prepared your three (3) lists, assign each contact a separate code (numeric or alphanumeric). The lists should be coded in such a way that you will know who the parent is, if you are asked to contact them for the Program Measure Survey.   Save these lists, so that you will be able to identify the parents/youth to contact for the survey.  Before submitting your lists, you can delete any personally identifiable information for the contacts (i.e., name, address, phone, etc.).  We do not require this information.

You will need to create one Excel document with three (3) sheets (Excel format required). Name the document [Your Parent Center’s Name]- Lists of Contacts:

(1) Sheet 1= List of families of children under transition age. Name this sheet “FC”.

(2) Sheet 2= List of families of transition-age youth and older. Name the sheet “FT”.

(3) Sheet 3= List of youth who are of transition age and older. Name this sheet “Y”.

These 3 lists should only include contacts for whom you have either a phone number or an email address, so that you will be able to contact them in order to administer the Program Measures Survey.

Parent Centers who are experiencing difficulty creating an Excel document with 3 lists should reach out to Maria Rodriguez (mrodriguez@spanadvocacy.org) for assistance.

Excel Sheet Template List of Contacts

There are 2 options to submit your Excel document with the 3 sheets (3 lists):

  1. With the Part 1 on-line submission of your Center’s contact numbers at:


  1. Send your Excel document via e-mail to: Maria Rodriguez, mrodriguez@spanadvocacy.org.  Include your Center’s unduplicated count of parents of children under transition age, parents of transition-age  youth and older, and youth and young adults of transition age and older served during the 2023-24 project year in the email.


Conducting the Program Measures Surveys:  When we receive your Excel document with the 3 sheets (3 lists), we will randomize them to put the contacts/identification codes in the order in which you are to contact and survey individuals. We will send to you three (3) lists that reflects the order in which you are to contact parents/youth for the survey and also the number of parent/youth surveys that your Center is assigned to complete and submit for the Program Measures Data Collection.

You won’t be contacting all the parents/youth on the lists, however. Based on your unduplicated count, your Parent Center has been assigned a specific number of parent/youth surveys to conduct.  Your Center will submit the aggregated results of only that number of surveys completed by parents.

Why does the randomized list we’ve attached have more contacts than the number of surveys needed from your Center? Because we know that there may be parents/youth you won’t be able to contact or who don’t respond to your request to complete a survey. The extra contacts on the list can serve as alternates, as needed. But it’s important that you get in touch with contacts in the order given on the randomized list. Only when you can’t get a response should you contact one of the alternates.



You must collect surveys in the prescribed order and only submit the assigned number of surveys.

Aggregate your results:  Please use the Program Measures Data Worksheet below to combine the responses that you receive.  You will use your completed worksheet to input your data into the on-line submission form.

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Aggregating Your Results
Please use the Program Measures Data Worksheet to combine the responses that you receive. You will use your completed worksheet to input your data into the on-line submission form.

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Submitting Your Results
You will submit your survey results via the SmartSheet form that can be found online at: https://tinyurl.com/ParentProgramSurvey2024

Submit your survey results by December 18, 2024.

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