Seeing is believing, but feeling’s the truth.

~Thomas Fuller

The spotlight of this issue of the Buzz from the Hub is on short videos you can use with staff and share with the families and professionals you serve.

Our best to you all,

The CPIR Team | Debra, Debi, Lisa, Jessica, and Myriam


Videos for and by Parent Centers

Understanding Trauma | Video
This 10-minute video is the first in a 3-part series for which the CPRC in northern Virginia, Formed Families Forward, has created several accompanying fact sheets and handouts. It’s just one of many videos you’ll find in the Trauma-Informed Care Resource Collection.

Improve Your Child’s Life and Future Using Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Videos in English and Spanish
This 12-minute online captioned module is 1 of 5 from the Utah Parent Center.  These are just two of the videos listed in CPIR’s resource collection on Positive Behavior Supports, Functional Behavioral Assessment, and School Discipline.

Parent Engagement in the Early Years
Here’s a 10-minute video from the Western Educational Equity Assistance Center, discussing parent engagement as a means of promoting equity in early childhood education. There’s a second video (7-plus minutes) in the Parent Engagement series, too.

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Updated on the Hub

Sexuality Education for Students with Disabilities
This resource page addresses one aspect of development that’s important not to ignore with children with or without disabilities—the development of sexuality.

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The CPIR hopes that you’ve found useful and relevant resources listed in this month’s Buzz from the Hub. Please feel free to write to the editor, Lisa Küpper, at to suggest the types of resources you’d like to see in the future. CPIR is listening! Your input is extremely valuable to helping us to craft newsletters that support your work with families.

Debra, Debi, Myriam, Jessica, and Lisa
The CPIR Team


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Center for Parent Information and Resources
c/o SPAN, Inc.
35 Halsey St., Fourth Floor
Newark, NJ 07102

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