Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn’t mean he lacks vision.  

~Stevie Wonder

It’s never too early to start thinking about the future. Transition to adult life is a relevant topic in the beginning of the new school year and also as spring rolls around, but employment can start while a student is still in school.

This Buzz shares a variety of resources that youth, families, schools, and Parent Centers can use to explore the world of work with youth who have disabilities, both during high school and as they prepare to graduate. Knowing the resources that are out there can help ease the way and smooth out potential bumps in the road ahead. Starting early is highly recommended!

Our best to you all,

The CPIR Team | Debra, Debi, Lisa, Jessica, and Myriam


A Trio from CPIR

Transition Planning: Let’s Get Started
By law, transition planning must begin no later than the student’s 16th birthday. See what else is required, what services are available through the public school, what domains of adulthood to explore, other options a youth might consider (more education, say, or vocational training), and much more.

Employment Connections
Just updated as part of our spring cleaning! Want to know more about job coaches and reasonable accommodations? What about supported employment?

Search EMPLOYMENT in the Hub library
Explore these additional resources tagged “employment” in the Hub library.

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A Quartet from Other Organizations

How Families Can Help Their Son or Daughter With Disabilities Find Work
Families and friends can play an important role helping those with disabilities plan for employment and find a job that is a good fit.

Employment Strategies and Supports for Youth with ASD
This webinar, sponsored by NTACT, focuses on critical strategies and supports for youth with autism seeking and maintaining employment. Case studies are provided to show real life examples of the strategies and supports at work. There are multiple handouts, too.

ApprenticeshipWorks Video Series
(Also available in Spanish) This video series from ODEP features apprentices with and without disabilities (recruits) and their apprenticeship sponsors (sponsors) in high-growth industries like information technology, healthcare, and marine engineering. Videos are available in English and Spanish with full captioning and audio-introduced versions.

Great Resource List at the RAISE Center!
We love great lists like this one. They offer such an easy way to connect with on-target, quality resources. Best of all, one of the RAISE Center’s focus points is employment of young adults with disabilities. So sign up for RAISE’s newsletter while you’re there and receive a steady flow of info on employment.

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The CPIR hopes that you’ve found useful and relevant resources listed in this month’s Buzz from the Hub. Please feel free to write to the editor, Lisa Küpper, at lkupper@fhi360.org to suggest the types of resources you’d like to see in the future. CPIR is listening! Your input is extremely valuable to helping us to craft newsletters that support your work with families.

Debra, Debi, Myriam, Jessica, and Lisa
The CPIR Team


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Center for Parent Information and Resources
c/o SPAN, Inc.
35 Halsey St., Fourth Floor
Newark, NJ 07102

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Publication of this eNewsletter is made possible through Cooperative Agreement H328R130014 between OSEP and the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN). The contents do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government or by the Center for Parent Information and Resources.