Native American Youth with Disabilities


Videos to Teach Students 5 Foundational Mental Health Skills

The California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids project has produced an evidence-based video series with accompanying study guides. There are introductory videos for caregivers and educators, and videos to teach young people five clinically proven mental health skills. Our youth has never needed these foundational mental health skills more than they do right now.

Five topics are treated, each with multiple videos and supporting materials. Those topics are: Understanding Feelings, Understanding Thoughts, Relaxation Skills, Managing Intense Emotions, and Mindfulness. All videos and supporting materials are available in English and Spanish.

Want to know more, and how to access each of the video sets in either language? Come here and read all about it!

An Online Celebration of Mother Language Day 2022

“I ka wā mamua, I ka wā mahope.”
Through the Past is the Future.

Hawaiian proverb

The Smithsonian Institution is hosting the online Mother Tongue Film Festival to celebrate cultural and linguistic diversity. The festival will showcase films and filmmakers from around the world, highlighting the critical role languages play in our daily lives and the importance of maintaining languages that are vanishing. For American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians, this is an urgent reality, because their mother languages are the only means to communicate with elders, the wisdom keepers, to learn about and from their collective pasts. These languages express ideas and values on which their cultures are built, and Native mother tongues capture concepts that don’t exist in English.

The festival events and film premieres span from February 17 – March 4, 2022. Check out the event schedule and learn more about the films on offer here.

Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People

As is now apparent, COVID-19 is causing renewed surges in infections and hospitalizations of those who contract the virus, especially the Delta variant of the virus. While about 49% of people in the United States have been fully vaccinated, the rate of vaccination varies greatly from state to state. This means that some states are being especially impacted by 2021 COVID surges. The highly infectious Delta variant has caused huge spikes especially in Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Florida. Recent data (as of July 24th) indicate that approximately 97% of those patients hospitalized have not been vaccinated.

This upward surge is alarming and portends a repeat of the nation’s 2020 shutdown, a threat that has caused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to revise its guidelines regarding the wearing of masks, safe distancing, and health protocols in different settings, even for people who have already been fully vaccinated. To connect with the Interim Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People (for non-healthcare settings), related information for healthcare settings, and how to find a free vaccination site near you, a colleague, or a loved one, visit our description of CDC’s new resource.

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