Information Bulletin


Using Data to Make Parents Partners in School Improvement Efforts

ESSA requires states and districts to rate schools based on multiple data points (measures) that collectively comprise a state’s “accountability system.” What does it mean when a school is rated as “low performing”?

This short blog emphasizes the importance of parents being informed about and understanding the data measures used to rate schools, so that they can be partners in school improvement activities. The blog also connects you with a 2019 report, which takes a look at how many schools were identified as “struggling” based on ESSA’s requirements. Read the blog and access multiple related resources on school data, report cards, and the value of parent involvement.

The Science of Motivation and Its Implications

What’s the best way to motivate children? The motivation to learn about the world around us begins in infancy. This motivation can either be encouraged or suppressed by the experiences adults provide for children. Psychological research points to a set of promising approaches that parents and practitioners can use to promote positive motivation and learning during development.

The Center on the Developing Child offers several resources on the science of motivation that parents, schools, and policy makers will find both interesting and useful. You may want to start with Five Facts About Motivation That Are Often Misunderstood, then move on to How to Motivate Children: Science-Based Approaches for Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers. There’s even an interactive graphic that will show you the brain regions involved in motivation and how they work together.

Access these (and additional) resources here.

Webinar | Using Data for Collaboration and Advocacy

This webinar will help Parent Centers hone their skills in finding, understanding, and using data to make sure that the needs and interests of students with disabilities and their families are addressed in decision-making discussions about how states will implement the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

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