Best Practices for Communicating Data to Parents and the Public
This draft parent reentry guide provides parents with support and resources to help navigate these unprecedented times of schooling during the pandemic. It presents an overview of the potential challenges that may present in the 2020-2021 school year and then addresses how to support students and families in the areas of social emotional learning, academic support at home, family culture and well-being, current operations, and health and safety concerns. It concludes with a large resource list for families.
Read more about what’s in the guide here, as well as where to access it.
Parents or adult family members play an essential role as learning coaches, ensuring their children have the structure and support to succeed in online and distance learning environments. This learning coach/master planner role is particularly important for children with disabilities, learning and attention issues, and those who struggle with executive function skills, including organization and prioritizing. This article from offers several ways to get started in your role as learning coach. The article ends with a list of Visual Schedule apps you can download. Access the article and the list of Visual Schedule apps here.
Digital learning environments can present physical, sensory, and learning barriers for students with disabilities. As learners and teachers move to fully online environments in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, what are the considerations for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and the accessibility of the materials and technologies selected? What are best practices for supporting students with disabilities remotely?
This edWebinar will be of interest to kindergarten through high school teachers, librarians, and school and district leaders. Held on March 23, 2020, its archive is online and available for listening and viewing. SETDA (the State Educational Technology Directors Association) compiled resources on eLearning for state education agencies and school districts at no cost, with a special section on accessibility. When you visit SETDA’s website to view the webinar, be sure to have a look at its Parent Resources page, too. Find out more here.