Parent Center


Putting the DEC-Recommended Practices to Work in Parent Centers: Part Two

In May of 2021, Part 1 of this webinar series introduced attendees to the Division for Early Childhood’s (DEC) Recommended Practices (RPs), which offer guidance to parents and professionals who work with young children who have or are at risk for developmental delays or disabilities. Part 2 of the series built upon the information shared in the first webinar. In Part 2, presenters discussed a variety of practice ways to SHARE the RPs as part of the ongoing work of a Parent Center. Presenters then identified ways in which Parent Centers can use the RPs in their daily work with families.

Putting the DEC-Recommended Practices to Work in Parent Centers: Part One

Part 1 in this 15-minute webinar series introduces participants to the Division for Early Childhood’s (DEC) Recommended Practices (RPs), which offer guidance to parents and professionals who work with young children who have or are at risk for developmental delays or disabilities. The webinar is designed to familiarize participants with many of the resources and materials developed in partnership with the ECTA Center to support family use of the RPs in order to promote positive outcomes for young children (0-8) with or at risk of developmental delays and disabilities.

Webinar | Act Early Ambassadors 2021

In this 37-minute webinar, you’ll learn about the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” initiative, the work of the Act Early Ambassadors, and strategies and ideas for how Parent Centers can collaborate with the Ambassadors in their states.

Ten Tips That May Help Your Child’s Transition to Adulthood

This resource from PACER provides tips on helping plan for a child’s transition from adolescence to adulthood. The tips outline how, as youth begin to take on more responsibility, parents can find new ways to provide support, encouragement, and guidance along the way.

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