U.S. Department of Education


Q&A on Serving Children with Disabilities Placed by Their Parents in Private Schools

This OSEP-revised document, Questions and Answers on Serving Children with Disabilities Placed by Their Parents in Private Schools, is intended to provide guidance regarding the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requirements applicable to children with disabilities placed by their parents in private schools, students who are not enrolled in the local educational agencies (LEA), and for whom the provision of free appropriate public education (FAPE) is not at issue. This Q&A updates and supersedes the Department’s 2011 guidance of the same title.

To connect with this important guidance and its PDF, and to see its Table of Contents and the sheer range of topics covered, come to this abstract page.

Sharing Information about State Assessments with Families of Children with Disabilities

CPIR joins with the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) as the first action step in a collaboration to develop and share user-friendly information about state assessments with families of children with disabilities. This webinar focuses on NCEO’s new (and quite amazing!) resource, the Participation Communications Toolkit. The highly customizable toolkit is designed for stakeholders to use in discussing and making decisions about how children with disabilities will participate in state assessments. The webinar highlights the role that Parent Centers can play in supporting the family’s role as one of the primary decision makers about their child’s participation. It’s also available in Spanish.

Webinar | Preparing Annual Reports for OSEP 2022

In this webinar for Parent Centers, important guidance from the U.S. Department of Education is shared. The purpose of the webinar is to prepare Parent Centers for the submission of annual reports/continuation reports due in May 2022. The webinar goes through the steps and required forms one by one, the kinds of data that Parent Centers are expected to submit, and timelines.

Return to School | Child Find and Early Intervention Services

This webinar for Parent Centers focuses on important guidance from the U.S. Department of Education. Presenters from OSEP review the new Part C guidance documents: (1) Return to School Roadmap: Child Find, Referral, and Eligibility; and Return to School Roadmap: Provision of Early Intervention Services. The Department issued the guidance interpreting the requirements of IDEA in response to requests from a diverse group of stakeholders, including Parent Centers. Both roadmaps are also available in Spanish, as is this webinar.

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