

Consideración de LRE en las Decisiones de Colocación

El ambiente menos restrictivo, o LRE, como se le llama más comúnmente por sus siglas en inglés, es una de varias partes vitales en el desarrollo del IEP de un niño y juega un papel crítico, influyendo en dónde pasa el tiempo el niño en la escuela y cómo se brindan los servicios y las relaciones que el niño desarrolla en la escuela y la comunidad. De hecho, LRE es un elemento fundamental en la construcción de un IEP apropiado que puede mejorar los resultados para un niño, en la escuela y en la vida.

Getting Ready for the 2021-22 School Year: FAQs about Testing Children with Disabilities

The 2020-21 school year was an unprecedented year with many districts implementing virtual learning, and with some districts moving back and forth between in-person and distance learning. Now, as children return to school in Fall 2021, it is critical that states and districts gather information on what children with disabilities have learned and where they need more support to meet standards-based learning goals. With this information, educators can make changes to current programs and to instruction to address children’s needs. Both formal and informal tests are important tools for gathering information.

This brief from NCEO answers frequently asked questions about whether (and how!) to test children with disabilities. The FAQ notes in particular that individualized education program (IEP) teams may need to revisit a child’s IEP before making test participation decisions. IEPs written before the COVID-19 pandemic may no longer address an individual child’s needs after the pandemic. For a list of the FAQs posed and to connect with the brief, read more here.

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