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  • #46923

    The U.S. Dept. of Education has begun issuing interim feedback letters and peer review notes to the states that submitted their ESSA plans in Sept. As of Dec. 15th, ED has issued feedback to MD, GA, UT, and PR.

    The interim feedback letters contain specific issues that ED wants to get more information and/or clarification on before proceeding with its review process.

    The Peer Review Notes are the detailed review that was performed by peer reviewers in early November. There are separate notes for Titles I and III and the McKinney-Vento Homeless Program.

    You will note that issues raised by peer reviewers were not necessarily included in the interim letter from ED. You may also notice that the interim feedback letter, in some cases, includes issues not raised by the peer reviewers. Confusing? Yes! Be sure to review both the feedback letter and the peer review notes.

    All documents can be downloaded from the page at

    I’ll try to notify each PTI as state feedback is issued.

    Candace Cortiella
    The Advocacy Institute

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