Center for Parent Information and Resources
Overview of Alternate Assessment
Mary LaCorte
Assistant Director and North Carolina PTI Program Director
Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center (ECAC)
The NCSC Alternate Assessment
Ricki Sabia, J.D.
National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC)
Parent Training and Technical Assistance Specialist
The DLM Alternate Assessment
Karen Erickson, Ph.D.
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)
Director, Center for Literacy and Disability Studies
PowerPoint Presentations for the Webinar:
- PPT for the Overview of Alternative Assessment [900 KB]Mary LaCorte
- PPT on the NSCS Alternate Assessment [ 1 MB ]Ricki Sabia
- PPT on the DLM Alternate Assessment [ 14 MB ]Karen Erickson
Handouts for the Webinar:
We are pleased to provide the following handouts on alternate assessments to accompany the webinar and to support your work with families and children with disabilities.

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