Early Learning Programs


Preschool Inclusion Series | Videos

The SpecialQuest Multimedia Training Library includes early childhood inclusion training resources. The videos and training sessions support high-quality inclusion of preschoolers (ages 3 to 5) in early care and education settings that are responsive to the priority and concerns of families. The target audiences are early childhood professional development providers, Institutes of Higher Education, family leaders, and policy makers.

Preschool Inclusion: What’s the Evidence, What Stands in the Way, and What Do the Stellar Programs Look Like?

Useful to Parent Centers involved in discussions and decision-making groups focused on preschool inclusion.

This webinar focuses on:

an overview of the 40 years of research supporting early childhood inclusion;
a review of myths surrounding the children, adults, and systems that support inclusion; and
a review of common features across the inclusion models that have produced the most powerful outcomes.

Inclusion in Early Childhood Programs—Webinar Series Recordings

On February 11, 2016, the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services hosted a discussion via Google Hangout about inclusion in early childhood programs and why it matters to states, early childhood programs, families, and young children with and without disabilities.

The Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework 2015

(Also available in Spanish) | Useful to Parent Centers in helping families understand the developmental expectations for children birth through age 5 and in supporting parental involvement with and advocacy for their young child. Also useful in staff training and professional development with respect to early learning and developmentally appropriate practices.

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