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Behavior Problems

When children struggle with their behavior, it can have a negative impact on everyone in the family. Parents know they need to respond, but they often aren’t sure what’s the best strategy, especially if a child is frequently acting out and nothing seems to work.

This resource collection from the Child Mind Institute offers parents a comprehensive look at problem behavior. It covers many topics, including what may be triggering problem behavior, how to improve the parent-child relationship when it becomes strained, what to do if kids are struggling with behavior in school, and how to get professional help if you need it. The suite is also available in Spanish.

To take a closer look at the individual topics treated in the collection and to access it in English or Spanish, come here.

Working Together Series

The Working Together Series includes 5 interactive self-directed courses. These courses provide families and educators with a number of strategies for working together and through conflict. Anyone supporting children or youth with disabilities may benefit from this series. The setting in which collaborative problem solving and conflict resolution takes place within this series is typically the school or IEP meeting.

Produced by CADRE, the series includes a webinar that briefly introduces the Working Together Series, a companion Facilitator Guide, and other supplemental resources. The full series is available in English and in Spanish (Trabajando Juntos).

To learn more about the 5 courses in the series, view the introductory webinar, or access the series in Spanish, read our abstract here.

Reducing Suicide Risk With Safety Plans

September is Suicide Awareness Month. When children in distress express suicidal thoughts or feelings, therapists often work with them —and their parents— to create what is called a safety plan. A safety plan is a document that spells out a series of things the child agrees to do, if they feel overwhelmed, to keep from harming themselves. Parents agree to things they will do to make their child’s environment safer.

This collection of articles from the Child Mind Institute explains how safety planning can help deter teen suicides, which are often impulsive, by steering kids away from harming themselves until the urge passes. With teenage depression and anxiety on the rise, it’s important for all of us to be proactive when children are in distress.

To see the individual articles in the collection and connect with them in English or Spanish, come here.

Consideración de LRE en las Decisiones de Colocación

El ambiente menos restrictivo, o LRE, como se le llama más comúnmente por sus siglas en inglés, es una de varias partes vitales en el desarrollo del IEP de un niño y juega un papel crítico, influyendo en dónde pasa el tiempo el niño en la escuela y cómo se brindan los servicios y las relaciones que el niño desarrolla en la escuela y la comunidad. De hecho, LRE es un elemento fundamental en la construcción de un IEP apropiado que puede mejorar los resultados para un niño, en la escuela y en la vida.

Buzz | “Bread and Butter” Topics of Parent Centers (& Parents)

What concerns and questions do newcomer families often tend to have when they learn that their child has a disability? These, shall we say, are the bread-and-butter of topics that Parent Centers so often address. This Buzz connects you with easy-to-share introductions to and explanations of what many newcomer families need to know. New Parent Center staffers may also find these materials a useful crash course in basic topics related to children with disabilities.

Videos to Teach Students 5 Foundational Mental Health Skills

The California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids project has produced an evidence-based video series with accompanying study guides. There are introductory videos for caregivers and educators, and videos to teach young people five clinically proven mental health skills. Our youth has never needed these foundational mental health skills more than they do right now.

Five topics are treated, each with multiple videos and supporting materials. Those topics are: Understanding Feelings, Understanding Thoughts, Relaxation Skills, Managing Intense Emotions, and Mindfulness. All videos and supporting materials are available in English and Spanish.

Want to know more, and how to access each of the video sets in either language? Come here and read all about it!

Sharing Information about State Assessments with Families of Children with Disabilities

CPIR joins with the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) as the first action step in a collaboration to develop and share user-friendly information about state assessments with families of children with disabilities. This webinar focuses on NCEO’s new (and quite amazing!) resource, the Participation Communications Toolkit. The highly customizable toolkit is designed for stakeholders to use in discussing and making decisions about how children with disabilities will participate in state assessments. The webinar highlights the role that Parent Centers can play in supporting the family’s role as one of the primary decision makers about their child’s participation. It’s also available in Spanish.

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