Transition to Adulthood Hub

Transition to Adulthood is a large topic that spans age ranges. The CPIR has many resources related to transition in general and the categories associated with it, including starting the transition process in high school, graduation, higher education, employment and training (WIAO, VR, etc.), independent living, becoming a self-advocate, and much, much more.

Resources from Our Partners at the RAISE Center and the RSA-PTIs

The CPIR is proud to collaborate with the National RAISE Center in bringing the following transition resources collection to you. The information here is broken up into 8 categories that span the breadth of topics RAISE addresses for youth/young adults with disabilities and their families as they navigate the transition from high school to secondary school, competitive employment, independent living, and more.

The resources in this section come directly from the RAISE’s extensive curation of Transition-related resources from professional and educational organizations as well as advocacy groups and, of course, the 7 RSA-PTIs that work to support transition in their states.

Transition Materials from CPIR

This list will update any time a transition-related item is added to the Resource Library.

Getting Ready for Independent Living at the Age of Majority

This resource is part of the series Getting Ready for When Your Teen Reaches the Age of Majority: A Parent's Guide. When young people with disabilities reach the "age of majority," they gain the right to manage their own affairs, including where they will live and...

Getting Ready for Healthcare at the Age of Majority

This resource is part of the series Getting Ready for When Your Teen Reaches the Age of Majority: A Parent's Guide. When young people with disabilities reach the "age of majority," they gain the right to manage their own affairs, including choosing their own doctor...

Psychosis in Teenagers

(2023, July) | Useful for Parent Centers, community organizations, and families supporting teens and youth with psychosis   This series of articles comes from the Child Mind Institute, with most articles available in English and Spanish. Organized as a...

Dispelling Myths associated with Assistive Technology

Educational Technology (OET) provided the guidance “to increase understanding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act’s (IDEA’s) requirements regarding assistive technology (AT) devices and services, and dispel common misconceptions regarding AT, while also providing examples of the use of AT devices and services for children with disabilities,” according to a Dear Colleague Letter accompanying the AT guidance.
The guidance, Myths and Facts Surrounding Assistive Technology Devices and Services, highlights 28 myths and facts related to AT devices and services. The guidance provides additional information and resources to support children with disabilities and identifies related requirements addressed in the IDEA

Guía para Padres: Cómo Prepararse para Cuando su Hijo Adolescente Alcance la Mayoría de Edad

Información actualizada, mayo del 2023En inglés | In English La Mayoría de Edad, es la edad cuando los adolescentes se convierten legalmente en adultos. A partir de este momento adquieren los derechos de los adultos, que incluyen el derecho a votar, casarse, solicitar...